Artist Spotlight: Rainbow Kitten Surprise


Sounds like: Kings of Leon, Modest Mouse

Before you say anything; I know.

Just give ’em a chance.

Despite the misleading name, Rainbow Kitten Surprise is an alternative rock band with a sound unlike any I have ever heard before. RKS hails from the mountains of North Carolina, and only emerged onto the music scene as two college kids with guitars in 2013. RKS hosts a variety of sounds, from entrancing guitar riffs, to melodic vocal feats by lead singer Sam Melo, (pictured below) and a surprisingly strong grasp on the instruments played by the members of the band. When asked, the band said their only goal was to, “produce a quality, unique, and fresh sound for all music lovers to listen to and enjoy.”

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Rainbow Kitten Surprise- Devil Like Me

This is my personal favorite, and their only current music video. It tells the story of two people battling with their inner demons, and the music video is an awesome watch. It adds (like music videos should) a whole other element to the mix, and takes themessage to the next level.

Rainbow Kitten Surprise- Seven

Their most popular song off their debut album, Seven + Mary. The lyrics in this song are hypnotic, and the word play is awesome. Gotta’ appreciate a song with good lyrical value.

Rainbow Kitten Surprise- First Class

One of my favorites off of their sophomore album, RKS,
and a close second behind Devil Like Me. This song, like many of their others, tell a story of love/loss, and is an awesome listen. Melo’s vocal ability really shines in this one.

ca19be_f96429d9270842fb9870c2e7c2f08d36From humble beginnings, RKS is destined for success. Their two albums, which are available on Spotify, as well as iTunes, are already beginning to blow up. On Spotify, Devil Like Me has already reached a million plays, with almost 200,000 monthly users on their profile as a whole. One thing can be said for sure, you can bet on seeing RKS emerge onto the main stage in the years to come


*album cover and picture of Sam Melo, as well as background information courtesy of

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