The Wrap

My experience doing this blog this semester has been one I’m glad I was given the opportunity to do. I’ve always wanted to have a blog, but I never knew what I’d blog about, or what the purpose of it would be. This kinda answered both of those things for me. As far as promotion goes, twitter did little, if anything at all to promote my blogs. In fact, Facebook is what did the most. On one of my posts, covering Austin artist “King”, topped out at a total of 802 views, whicMusic-doesnt-lie.-If-there-is-something-to-be-changed-in-this-world-then-it-can-only-happen-through-music.-Jimi-Hendrixh was absolutely insane to me. My best day being on March 21st, 2016 with 342 views. I think it was the most popular because he is local, it’s the one I shared on Facebook, and people shared it to their friends. I am really proud of this blog so far this year, but if I could improve I’d really like to do actual videos in my blog rather than just links, or even audio sample buttons so that people can more easily listen to the song or album I’m raving about. Having this experience under my belt can help tremendously for me in the future, working for a blog or website has always been a top career option for me, and not going into that line of work inexperienced is important. I’m glad to have gotten the opportunity to do this blog, and I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to read and share what I wrote. It’s a really good feeling. I plan to continue this in the future, but in the mean time, follow me on twitter at handle @Weasil_, and on Spotify at handle weasil as well.

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